This Simple Trick Can Save All Your School Items From Theft.

As a school student stealing amongst your midst is a common thing, especially to ones lodging in hostels and dormitories.
Below is a simple lifehack for preventing someone from stealing your food stuff.
 We will be using milk for this explanation.

Materials needed:

  • A tin of milk
  • 15 litres bucket of water or more with graduated scale marked on it.
Note: Some African schools don't recommend using the plastic graduated bucket in hostels rather than the metal one but you can write a plea to the authority giving reason like your skin is allergic to metal bucket.
we don't support lying but for you to be safe and scale through your education you must be smart.a

Set up:

Pour a reasonable amount of water into the bucket but don't fill it to the brim.
Immense the tin of milk in the bucket of water but before that make sure it is tightly close , preferably put water proof at the top before placing the the tin cover, to prevent water from entering.
preferably tie the whole tin with water proof before immersing in the bucket of water.
Take note of the length level the tin is floating, possibly write out the 'cm' in order not to forget.
Check the length time to time, if the milk is tempered, the level at which it is floating it will shift, increasing with some length, that way it has been tempered with, you can report to your house master for the culprits to be fished out.
Secondly, it will be difficult for the thief to easily steal your powdered milk if tied in a nylon.
use this system to keep your food stuffs safe from stealing. You can store other of your food stuffs in the same container other than milk and carry out the same procedure stated above.
