Learning is an everyday activity, infact the moment we stop learning is the moment we die.
At times learning can't be the problem, it maybe learning and retaining it.
At times learning can't be the problem, it maybe learning and retaining it.
- The simplest method of learning and understanding is listed below with explanations:
- Constant study
- Ask questions you don't understand in a conversation mode using this format- " I shouldn't be saying this, but....." .
- Claim not to know how to solve some tasks when challenged and ask the challenger to solve it himself, he will proudly do it, that way you learn new skills and thousand methods of doing that same job.
- Sometimes associate with the lazy classmates; following the rule of bill gate who said "he'll rather employ a lazy person because they will find an easy ways to make it fast and easy.
The example featured above is an explanation of a woman who invented the idea, since the husband messes up the sink, then she thought of a simpler way of doing it.
- Not all students have rich parents, I think associating with the poor or average student is a wise way of learning. The rich ones are fond of carelessness because they have it all, their parents can always provide it when needed, but the poor ones will manage and take care of it till they can replace it with another.
- Always engage in one activity or the other, that way you'll be exposed to learn more new things everyday.
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