Education they say is the "Key to Success", This boy packs his books to safety with plantain raft from their flooded house.

This boy is seen trying to pack his books to safety using a plantain shift raft from their flooded house, following the flood that hit North Asia especially in India which killed about 1200 people.
The internet and other media have been awashed with the incident hurricane Harvey left in Texas few weeks ago.
Nobody was talking about that of the north Asia that destroyed many lives and properties.
Well am not concerned about that, as this blog is not a political parliament but a STUDENT BLOG which only concerns is for the well being of students and information on education.
The boy pictured above is a good example of kids who see brightness in the future of education and doing their best to fulfill it, no matter the condition they find their self, no matter how bad the situation maybe.
Some kids would'nt have bothered trying to safe the books because reading is never fun for some especially at this age of technology were children are going technology savvy.
Always note there is power in little things we neglect, the little things kids do and you neglect as a parent might turn out to be a great destruction tomorrow in the future.
I will use an example to explain what i mean by LITTLE THINGS we neglect.
" A china airplane flight 257 suddenly caught fire immediately it landed at the airport, God so made it the crew were able to dislodge the 120 passangers on board before the rampage of the fire.
Now the question investigators made was, what caused the fire? To cut the story short, a small washer was missing in a particular place, when it landed the pressure on the wings pushed the the bolt which the washer is supposed to hold in place, the bolt shifted back and punctured the fuel tank dropping feul on the hot jet enginge turbine located at the wings Of the airplane. The $14,000,000 plane burnt to ashes because of a SMALL SINGLE WASHER missing. 
The same applies to our young ones in school, ones you fail to love your books at early stages you won't find it fun when you start college, a man once said "what you save today can save you tomorrow".
As for the young boy he believes that books can save him and his family in the nearest future.
victims the flood incident affected is shown below in a grid layout. Some are graphic, viewers are meant be atleast 17 to view it.

The disaster was a bad one for them but thank God for the survivals who made it and thanks to united nations who supplied relief for them. 
They hung around together, the boys from the school up on the hill, school was over. They were expecting the results.
It is one of the secondary school that sprang up in the city because serious people felt the esucational need of the country and possessed a sharp nose for smelling quick money.
Boys from up country who could not get into big schools, rushed to the new schools and secure lodgings with distant relatives and bought for a cheap amount some sort of education .
Sammy was the history master from form 1 to form 5 and was also put in charge of sports with distant hope that the school would one day have it own playing field near the mental hospital.
They were six hundred students who were all say boys; classes were held in Dr. Dodu's house. The was originally built by a wealthy man and a large family. The bedrooms of which they were eight, were turned into classrooms, toilets were knocked into pantries to provide more classrooms for the ever growing population of the school.
Mr. Anokye, a retired pharmacist, owned the school. He laid more emphasis on science, been a science man. He wore a small-rimmed pair of glasses, which make him look like one of those little black cats on christmas cards. He had spent a lot of years at Korle hospital were he drank the methylated spirit to be supplied to the laboratory assistants. He was a scholar in many ways. He was aquintted with Archimedes principle. He came from a long line of scholars. He claimed his grandfather went to England with Reverend T.A Barnes D.D, who was the Anglican Bishop of Cape Coast Diocese from 1896 to 1909.

Related:>> Stranded Father does the surprising at daughters college due to hurricane harvey .<<


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