Simple Psychology To Outsmart Your Teacher To Increase Your Grades Just Like This Boy.

As for this teen who used a simple reverse psychology(according to the way he tagged it), to outsmart his teacher to upgrade his scores to A's.
Neil Pascua, by name, a student from Hesperia, California persuade his teacher to raise his grade. He sent his teacher an email and then posted it on twitter and since then it has gone viral.
A poet Gertrude stein posed the fundamental problem people do face. At the end of her life she asked those gathered around her : What is the answer?
When no one made a comment, she replied, 'in that case, what is the question?
In every situation a question must be available before answers can be given if available.
Neil Pascua twitted, I used a simple reverse psychology, it might not work all the time, but one gotta take risks sometimes.
As for his teacher he added, she didn't pick an offense in the trick he played but she smiled over it. Neil sent the mai her a buzz feed that evening.
In his tweet, he posted a screenshot of the email along with the grade he ended up receiving. He added text to the tweet, which stated: “A little reverse psychology. Not sure that it will work every time, but
The tweet stated “From my teacher when requesting to lower my “grade" (very nerve racking).” The reply back from his teacher stated “That’s a first! I’ll see what I can do, Neil.”
College students can as well use this same method to ask their teachers for a lower grades in your academic results and know how they will react, but you have to know what type of character and how close you guys are.
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